Saturday, July 29, 2006

For the glory of the Empire!

Named after the Klingon equivalent of Heaven - or Valhalla to be more precise - Stovokor are an American death metal band that dress up and sing in Klingon, no less. However, to the unititiated most death metal bands probably sound like they're singing in Klingon anyway.

I wonder if there are any other Star Trek-themed bands out there? I don't just mean that annoying song by The Firm - not to be confused with Jimmy Page's group - that I liked when I was 11. "Star Trekin' across the universe..."


Blogger ian said...

Have you heard any of the records by Leonard Nimoy or William Shatner? The latter's version of 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' is ehm, memorable.

31 July, 2006 21:06  
Blogger Kealo said...

Shatner's 'interpretation' of the Beatles' classic is priceless.

I'm not sure how to put links in comments, so I'll put in the next post.

31 July, 2006 21:58  
Blogger Kealo said...

There's also the '80s pop group, T'Pau, named after the Vulcan matriarch. However, I don't remember their songs being about Star Trek in any way, but I never really paid them that much attention.

01 August, 2006 20:03  

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