Thursday, February 08, 2007

At Last! A Thesis Proposal!

For those of you who know, I am currently doing a part-time Masters in International Relations at Dublin City University. After months of procrastination, I have finally come up with a thesis proposal. I have decided to do a thesis on the role of language policy in state-building. Rather than type it out again, I've pasted the main idea below:

"Language is an important component of ethnic identity and, in many cases, often determines it. This thesis will theorise that language policy is a key element of state-building. Many new states actively pursue a policy of linguistic assimilation in order to create a coherent national identity, particularly if they possess large linguistic minorities. Linguistic policies can take the form of constitutional and official arrangements, and whether or not particular languages can be used in the public domain, e.g. the courts, the primary language of instruction in the education system, etc. Israel will be the subject of study, as it is a perfect example of a relatively new state that contained a number of ethnic and linguistic groups at the time of its creation in 1948. Focus will be on the part the revival of Hebrew played on the creation of a coherent Israeli national identity."

I want to do a thesis that I think is original and one that interests me. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I am fascinated with languages. It may not be an easy thesis to write, as there is information out there, but it may be difficult to draw it together. Also, some of the literature may not be in English and my Hebrew doesn't stretch much further than shalom, kibbutz and Knesset. Let's hope my thesis supervisor thinks my idea is a runner.


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